salvador dalí born on may 11, 1904 had a brother by the same, Viral and Parasitic Gastroenteritis - . Cellular dehydration Complications – cerebral hemorrhage, seizures,paralysis, encephalopathy Clinically : abdominal wall skin doughy Hyponatremia Na < 135meq/L Causes : - supplementation of fluid losses with hypotonic fluids - loss from GI tract Plasma tonicity decreases …….. Cellular oedema Complications - cerebral oedema Clinically : tenting of skin on abdominal wall, Electrolytes 2 Potassium Serum potassium may not reflect true potassium Usually potassium depletion, initially not significant Consider as part of replacement fluids when adequate urine output obtained Acidosis Bicarbonate loss in stools Decreased renal perfusion – less acids excreted Decreased tissue perfusion – lactic acid production, Laboratory CBC Inflamatory tests Stool analysis of leucocytes Stool cultures Measurement of serum electrolytes is only required in children with severe dehydration or with moderate dehydration (hypernatremic dehydration requires specific rehydration methods — irritability and a doughy feel to the skin are typical manifestations and should be sought specifically) Tests such as BUN and bicarbonate are only helpful when results are markedly abnormal A normal bicarbonate concentration reduces the likelihood of dehydration No lab test should be considered definitive for dehydration, DIFFERENTIAL DG Meningitis • Bacterial sepsis • Pneumonia • Otitis media • Urinary tract infection. Low-Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm Presenting as a Volvulus of the Cecum... No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. Rotavirus: in 1998, a rotavirus vaccine was licensed in the USA for routine immunization of infants. Start with a teaspoonful every five minutes in children and a tablespoonful every five minutes in older children and adults. Food like rice soup,vegetables,fruits and yogurt can be given in the recovery period. Microsoft ® PowerPoint, Microsoft ® Word and Microsoft ® Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. gastroenteritis. Tap here to review the details. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. • One-third of diarrhea hospitalizations and 500 000 deaths worldwide each year. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. In 1999, production was stopped after the vaccine was causally linked to intussusception in infants. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. infant : acute gastroenteritis adult : Acute Diarrhoea and Gastroenteritis in Childhood - Current health problems in students’ home countries. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. approach etiology diagnosis treatment, Acute Gastroenteritis in pediatric population - . All forms cause disease in children in the developing world, but enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC, including E. coli O157:H7) causes disease more commonly in the developed countries. initial vitals: hr, Mental Illness in the Pediatric Population - . definicion** enteropata autoinmune (individuos suceptibles) ** intolerancia permanente a la gliadina del trigo, avena, cebada y centeno; que produce lesiones en la mucosa de intestino delgado en personas geneticamente suceptibles. En los países en desarollo, donde los niños son más . acute, Acute Diarrhoea and Gastroenteritis in Childhood - Current health problems in students’ home countries. • Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) — children < 2 years; chronic diarrhea in children; rarely causes disease in adults. Incidence. 3 Gastroenteritis aguda (GEA) Etiología de la GEA prepared by: sharon, ANTIFUNGAL PROPHYLAXIS IN PEDIATRIC ACUTE LEUKEMIA - . Tap here to review the details. Neonatal infections are a common occurrence, but are often asymptomatic. diarrhea - Pure water depletion -Sodium excess – improper mixing of formula Plasma tonicity increases ……. • S. sonnei — mildest illness; seen most commonly in developed countries. View Gastroenteritis PPT 2.ppt from MED 116 at University of Southern Mindanao. Antimotility Drugs loperamide is the agent of choice for adults (4–6 mg/day; 2–4 mg /day for children > 8 y). Paediatric Nursing Dk.Norasmah phi 23 rd Intake. • Malnourished children develop severe &prolonged illness. 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院 江米足. Es el trastorno digestivo más frecuente en niños. • It can be performed by mouth (oral rehydration) or by adding fluid and electrolytes directly into the blood stream (intravenous rehydration). • Enteric fever — Salmonella typhi or paratyphi A, B, or C (typhoid fever). Caliciviruses, astroviruses, and enteric adenoviruses Presentaion: Low-grade fever Vomiting followed by copious watery diarrhea (up to 10-20 bowel movements per day) Symptoms persisting for 3-8 days, 7. E.Coli O157H7 Epidemic / sporadic outbreaks Contaminated food, partially cooked beef Verotoxin producing EHEC Affects 3 – 5yr olds Prodromal gastroenteritis followed by > acute renal insufficiency > hemolytic anemia > thrombocytopenia. baby boy ralph upchurch. Acute Gastroenteritis in pediatric population . what that it is ? Click here to review the details. Excess secretion, Other viruses causing gastroenteritis • Adenovirus • Enteric serotypes 40,41 • 80-nm single stranded DNA • Do not cause respiratory symptoms • Common cause of GE in children and adults • Prolonged course 10-14 days • Astrovirus • Second common cause of viral GE • Single stranded RNA 30-nm diameter • Similar to Rota infection but milder. Predictors of Symptom Worsening or Improvement using Remote Patient Reported ... physiological monitoring of a surgical patient.pptx, Multimodal Augmented Homeostasis; MMM2023 Keynote RJ.pptx, Clinical Examination of the Shoulder.pptx. Es un proceso agudo que cura espontáneamente en unos pocos días, por lo que se suele hablar de gastroenteritis aguda. Alex Alvarado. • Infants are more prone to infection because of decrease intestinal reserve , gastric acidity and lack of specific immunity. Si hace mucho calor, bañarlo y colocar al bebe en un lugar fresco, la temperatura alta aumenta el riesgo de deshidratación. Autores Dr. Luis Sánchez Santos Pediatra. 22. kentab,m.d., faap, facep. HKCEM College Tutorial Gastroenteritis in Paediatrics Author Dr. CH chung Revised by Dr. Chang Wai Yin James Oct, 2013. -�BRAT� diet and other restrictive diets are unnecessary and provide suboptimal nutrition Several studies have found that combinations of clinical signs and symptoms may have better sensitivity and specificity for detecting dehydration in children than individual signs Several studies have found that combinations of clinical signs and symptoms may have better sensitivity and specificity for detecting dehydration in children than individual signs, 21. acute gastro-intestinal illness usually, Respiratory Emergencies in the Pediatric Population - . Trauma leve. The current recommendation is to administer 2 separate doses of Rotarix to patients aged 6-24 weeks. • Adenovirus infections most commonly cause illness of the respiratory system. With gastroenteritis, your stomach and intestines are irritated and inflamed. fiebre. outline. Rotavirus. We’ve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. Azithromycin dosage for children can range (depending on body weight) from 5 mg to 20 mg per kilogram of body weight per day, once daily for 3–5 days. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. Rolando Martínez Sánchez. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Unidad i digestivo - sindrome diarreico agudo - fernanda pineda gea - med... Vomito, Estreñimiento, Dolor abdominal y Parasitosis intestinal, Insuficiencia Arterial y Trombosis Venosa Profunda, Tomografía Computada y Resonancia Magnética de la Columna Vertebral, Síndrome Nefrótico (glomerulopatías primarias), Hiperbilirrubinemia del Recién Nacido (Ictericia Neonatal), Exploración de Cuello y Cadenas Ganglionares, Categorias epidemiologicas: Persona, tiempo y Lugar, INFORME_ESTADISTICO_INDOT_GESTION_2014.pdf, 18.- U3. Acute Gastroenteritis: An Approach - . Gastroenteritis, 2002. King CK, Glass R, Bresee JS, Duggan C. Managing acute gastroenteritis among children: oral rehydration, maintenance, and nutritional therapy. • Lack of exclusive breast feeding. 教学目标. Manuel Meléndez Follow Some studies have demonstrated decreased ER stays and increased parent satisfaction with ORS therapy over IV NO difference in duration of illness or hospitalization rates. jie chen , md ,phd children hospital zhe jiang university. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. Description. WAFA SAMA’N Pediatrics MD. introducing the artiste formerly, Persistence and Inactivation of Norovirus in Fresh Produce Chains - . Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Lactobacillus GG) alter the composition of gut flora and assist in restoring normal gut function. prof t rogers dept of clinical microbiology. We've encountered a problem, please try again. Get powerful tools for managing your contents. • Although brush border of intestine is affected ,still satisfactory absorption of CHO,protiens and fats can occur. Continue Reading.
  • Mortalidad en países en vías de desarrollo: 650/100,000 habitantes/año. Gastroenteritis ppt 1. en Change Language 93 slides Gastroenteritis infecciosa y enfermedad de hirschprung ComiteDeCasosClinicos 530 views • 31 slides Gastroenteritis infecciosa MaryJose Santiago Benitez 419 views • 88 slides Gastroenteritis pediatria 46k views • 44 slides Diarrea Gastroenteritis Aguda Ita 3 jacque78 9.3k views • 43 slides Gastroenteritis en adultos 2017 Kenny Lopez • Vitamin A defficiency. • If diarrhea increases and /or vomiting persists, take child over to a health clinic. In adults, the two most common causes of gastroenteritis are viral and bacterial infections: Gastroenteritis Tratamiento Hasta que consulte al médico: Puede continuar con pecho si se amamantaba. • There is a potential for epidemic spread; any infection should be reported promptly to the public health authorities. • G-ve flagellated rods killed by heat. Presentation • Salmonellosis(acute enteritis): • Incubation period 6-72 hrs. Any antibiotic can trigger infection with C difficile, though penicillins, cephalosporins, and clindamycin are the most likely causes.3 Since 50% of neonates and young infants are colonized with C difficile, symptomatic disease is unlikely in children younger than 12 months.3, 8. • Measles. Several studies have found that combinations of clinical signs and symptoms may have better sensitivity and specificity for detecting dehydration in children than individual signs Several studies have found that combinations of clinical signs and symptoms may have better sensitivity and specificity for detecting dehydration in children than individual signs, 20. Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli. Worldwide, inadequate treatment of gastroenteritis kills 5 to 8 million people per year, GASTROENTERITIS) Paediatric Nursing Dk.Norasmah phi 23rd Intake, Definition • Acute infection of bowel which cause diarrhea and vomiting • Most common disorder in childhood, Incidence • Worldwide, inadequate treatment of gastroenteritis kills 5 to 8 million people per year • leading cause of death among infants and children under 5, Causative organism Protozoa : Gardia lambila, crypto sporidum, Bacteria : salmonella,shigella, escherichia, campylobacter, Signs & symptoms • Diarrhea • Vomiting • Abdominal pain • Fever • Dehydration • Tenesmus(feeling of incomplete defecation) • Reduce appetite, Diagnostic investigation Blood test: • FBC – increase WBC = infection • Urea & Creatinine – to rule out hypnatraemia or hypokalemia(mineral imbalance • Culture & Sensitivity – to evaluate infection Stool • Ova & Cyst • ME & CS – check frequency,characteristics (amount, consistency,colour,watery,semisolid,odor) & presence of mucous or blood. La gastroenteritis es una enfermedad diarreica (heces líquidas), de comienzo generalmente brusco, que puede estar acompañada de otros síntomas como náuseas, vómitos, fiebre y dolor abdominal de tipo retortijón. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. Gastroenteritis We've updated our privacy policy. Se considera aguda si la duración es inferior a 3-4 semanas y persistente/crónica cuando exceda dicho tiempo. • Probiotics like non-pathological bacteria,can restore beneficial intestinal flora,decrease proinflammatory cytokines and increase anti-inflammatory factors • Lactobacillus bifidobacterium and lactobacillus rhamenosus reduced duration in Rota. wafa sama’n pediatrics md. • Animals are the major reservoir for Salmonellae. Treatment:- • Correct dehydration • Antimotility drugs are contraindicated because they increase incidence of perforation • Antibiotics are not used in simple enteritis because they increase resistance prolonged bacterial shedding &carrier state. GASTROENTERITIS). gastroenteritis in children dr. osama y. • Extraintestinal manifestations like osteomyelitis,septic arthritis,meningitis • Usually self limiting disease like food poisoning. Treatment Medication: Antidiarrheals are not recommended Antiemetics are not recommended Some clinical studies have demonstrated that ondansetron can decrease vomiting and hospitalization. history. ENTERIC INFECTIONS - . Vibrio cholerae. • Quinolone-resistant Campylobacter is present in several areas of South-East Asia (e.g., in Thailand) and azithromycin is then the appropriate treatment, PROBIOTICS Several probiotics (Saccharomyces boulardii , Lactobacillus rhamnosus and a mixture of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum) had significant efficacy (at preventing traveler’s diarrhea)” Probiotics mixture reduced the severity of diarrhea and length of hospital stay in children with acute diarrhea. Sign & Symptoms Nausea & Vomiting Diarrhea Loss of appetite Fever Headaches Abdominal pain Abdominal cramps Bloody stools Fainting and Weakness Heartburn Dehydration Lethargic, 11. Javier Saucedo Villalobos 8º B. paolo aquino, m.d., m.p.h. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. (13% of all deaths). 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院 江米足. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the European Society of gastroenteritis aguda, y por otros como virus herpes simple, gonococo, Treponema pallidum, y Chlamydia trachomatis. Open navigation menu. — loperamide is not recommended for use in children < 2 y. Antisecretory agents • Bismuth subsalicylate can alleviate stool output in children or symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain in traveler’s diarrhea. You can read the details below. • Newborns usually are asymptomatic some may develop NEC outbreaks in nurseries. • Nearly all children in both industrialized and developing countries have been infected with rotavirus by the time they are 3–5 years of age. Bacterial gastroenteritis ± Bloody diarrhea Child appears systemically ill : sepsis Greater degree of dehydration Abdominal pain Raised inflammatory markers Stool culture will show leucocytes > 5 /hpf Extra abdominal organ involvement : Bacteremia - osteomyelitis - meningitis - endocarditis Slide 7- Treatment Feeding and nutrition -Normal diet as rapidly as possible. sensación de malestar o vómitos. Fatty food or food high in simple sugars should be avoided. Activate your 30 day free trial to unlock unlimited reading. charles e. henley d.o.,m.p.h. Copyright ©2016 MedicPresents All rights reserved. MMWR. Uploaded on Sep 11, 2014 Acute Gastroenteritis - . Tap here to review the details. acute infection of bowel which cause, Gastroenteritis - . Gastroenteritis Infecciosa y descripción por agentes etiológicos. • Ondansetron is a selective anti 5HT receptors and a safe anti-emetic can be given as a single dose before ORS if there is vomiting. • Improved complementary feeding preparation with hygenic practice. The cause is typically a viral or bacterial infection. for 3 days), and norfloxacin. (13% of all deaths). Paediatric Nursing Dk.Norasmah phi 23 rd Intake. location, location, location… . • Young age. 1970-1979. a new and unfamiliar agent, escherichia coli o27:h20. The inflammation is mainly caused due to a pathogenic infection. • Infants and the elderly appear to be at the greatest risk. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. inflammation of stomach or intestines inhibits nutrient absorption and excessive h 2 o and, Viral Gastroenteritis - . Case Scenario • Baby Darwina is 9 months old is still breast feeding and has started weaning since 4 months old. Parasitic agents Giardia intestinalis, Cryptosporidium parvum, Entamoeba histolytica, and Cyclospora cayetanensis most commonly cause acute diarrheal illness in children. paolo aquino, m.d., m.p.h. Acute lactose intolerance is seen in some patients ,so they should be given Lactose free formula like replacing some of milk requirements with yogurt or milk free diet like comminuted chicken or elemental milk. Etiologies: Bacterial Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli, Yersinia, Clostridium difficile Presentation: High fevers Shaking chills Bloody bowel movements (dysentery) Abdominal cramping & fecal leukocytes *ETEC is unlikely to cause dysentery. Activate your 30 day free trial to continue reading. Even in cases (eg, dysentery) where a bacterial pathogen is suspected, antibiotics may prolong the carrier state (Salmonella) or may increase the risk of hemolytic uremic syndrome (enterohemorrhagic E coli).30. dr mohamed abu nada pediatric neurology department dr. al rantisi specialized children, Acute Gastroenteritis - . • Micronutrient defficiency(Zinc,Iron). We’ve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. acute care module jonathan bae, md. Additional therapy:- • Anti-motility(Loperamide) NO Role. Activate your 30 day free trial to unlock unlimited reading. Several studies have found that combinations of clinical signs and symptoms may have better sensitivity and specificity for detecting dehydration in children than individual signs Several studies have found that combinations of clinical signs and symptoms may have better sensitivity and specificity for detecting dehydration in children than individual signs, 18. • One standard remedy is the WHO/UNICEF glucose-based Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) solution, which contains Sodium , glucose, chloride, potassium, citrate. Acute infection of bowel which cause diarrhea and vomiting Most common disorder in childhood. You can read the details below. GASTROENTERITIS • An infection or inflammation of the digestive tract, particularly the stomach . We’ve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. The greatest danger presented by gastroenteritis is dehydration. It has caused devastating epidemics of bloody diarrhea with case-fatality rates approaching 10% in Asia, Africa, and Central America. Views: 507, By: DrDwayne Emerging foodborne pathogens - . By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. Diciembre 19, 2022. Do not sell or share my personal information, 1. Rotarix was efficacious in a large study, which reported that Rotarix protected patients with severe rotavirus gastroenteritis and decreased the rate of severe diarrhea or gastroenteritis of any cause.26 Recent large trials in both Latin America and Africa have also found Rotarix to be effective in decreasing diarrhea morbidity and mortality in children.27,28,29 Clinical trials reported that the vaccines prevented 74-78% of all rotavirus gastroenteritis casesn February 2006, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the RotaTeq vaccine for prevention of rotavirus gastroenteritis. Formula fed infants -Restart feeding once the rehydration phase is complete (ideally in 2-4 h). should be avoided in bloody or suspected inflammatory diarrhea (febrile patients). webinar: march 15, 2013 . Symptoms of Gastroenteritis With gastroenteritis, the main. Clinical signs and symptoms can be utilized to determine degree of dehydration, 15. may 2015 ce condell medical center ems system site code: 107200e-1215. GASTROENTERITIS • Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) — bloody mucoid diarrhea; fever is common. • Villi have absorptive &digestive functions so both are affected in Rota viral infection. rationale for consideration of antifungal, The acute pediatric scrotum - . GASTROENTERITIS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation 1 / 24 Remove this presentation Flag as Inappropriate I Don't Like This I like this Remember as a Favorite Share About This Presentation Title: GASTROENTERITIS Description: Key to differential with bacterial infections. -Early feeding reduces illness duration and improves nutritional outcome. acute diarrhoea. NURSING MANAGEMENT DEHYDRATION • Monitor strict IO chart, weight & dehydration status • Replace fluid & electrolytes loss(ORS,NG Feeding, IV FLUID) • IV 5% dextrose with 0 45% saline,IV KCL added depending on potassium levels. Pathogenesis • Selectively infects &destroys villous tip cells in small intestine ,gastric mucosa is not affected. • All children exposed by age 4-5 years • Double stranded RNA virus • Several groups (A-E ) • Most common cause of viral diarrhea. If indicated, urine cultures, chest radiography, and/or LP Several studies have found that combinations of clinical signs and symptoms may have better sensitivity and specificity for detecting dehydration in children than individual signs Several studies have found that combinations of clinical signs and symptoms may have better sensitivity and specificity for detecting dehydration in children than individual signs, 16. introduction. 9 month old male visiting jhb with his parents and brother, Newborn vomiting: Bilious - . Definition. • If diarrhea is severe, anti diarrheal eg Imodium(Loperamide) is administered but not recommended for children below 6 years • Antiemetic for nausea & vomiting but not recommended for children below 6 years, NURSING MANAGEMENT SKIN CARE • Use barrier cream(eg Drapolene for nappy rash care for infant.) Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. Identify the causes of pediatric gastroenteritis. Views: 462, By: DrDwayne outline. Gastroenteritis Infecciosa Incidence. Work-Up Assessment of Dehydration Ideally, acute change in weight is the best way to determine degree of dehydration. CONOCIENDO EL MEDICAMENTO 17 MAYO 2019.pdf, No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. who's the artist?. NB ½ darrows contains K, Electrolytes Acidosis Assess on blood gas Bicarbonate supplement : 1/3 x base deficit x body weight Hyponatremia Treat if Na < 125 Calculate Na deficit = (Desired Na – Measured Na) x 0.6 x kg Safe rate of change = 12mmol/L rise / day Hypernatremia pure free water deficit Calculate [(Na – 145) /2]x [4ml/kg] x wt (kg) Safe rate of change = 12mmol/L decline/day, Severe Dehydration Management of severe dehydration requires IV fluids Fluid selection and rate should be dictated by The type of dehydration The serum Na Clinical findings Aggressive IV NS bolus remains the mainstay of early intervention in all subtypes, Isonatremic Dehydration Calculate the fluid deficit Deficit (cc’s) = % dehydration x body wt D5½NS is fluid of choice (½ deficit – the bolus) over the first 8hrs Add maintenance and any ongoing losses to above Further ½ the deficit replaced over the next 16hrs Monitor electrolytes and U/O, Hypernatremic Dehydration Fluid deficit = (Current Na/Desired Na – 1) x 0.6 x body wt Replace with D50.2%NS Replace over 48hrs Reduce sodium by no more than 10mEq/L/24hrs (½ deficit – the bolus) over the first 24hrs Add maintenance and any ongoing losses to above Further ½ the deficit replaced over the next 24hrs, Hyponatremic dehydration Na deficit = (Nadesired- Nacurrent) x 0.6 x Weight (kg) Divide above by Na in mEq/L within the replacement fluid 154 mEq in NS 77 mEq in D5½ NS 513 in 3% saline divide by deficit x 2 to determine rate at 0.5mEq/L/hr, Hyponatremic Dehydration If seizing Correct with 3% Saline bolus Target a Na of 120 Further correction beyond this with D5½ NS If not Seizing Correct with D5½ NS Target a Na of 130 Watch for Central Pontine Myelinolysis More likely in chronic hypo-Na with less Sx Correct slowly at rate of 0.5mEq/L/hr. according to nami. © 2022 SlideServe | Powered By DigitalOfficePro, Acute Gastroenteritis in pediatric population, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E N D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. In secretoryDiharrea enterotoxin produced by microorganism, Enteral feeding should be continued during recovery from. • Account for 1.5 million death of children/year globally. • Leading cause of severe, dehydrating gastroenteritis among children. • S. flexneri — dysenteric symptoms and persistent illness; most common in developing countries. Atencion del niño. The loss of fluids through diarrhea and vomiting can upset the body's electrolyte balance, leading to potentially life-threatening problems such as heart beat abnormalities (arrhythmia) The risk of dehydration increases as symptoms are prolonged. La base de esta pizza se elabora con 200 g de coliflor, 2 cucharadas de semillas de lino, 75 g de harina de arroz y 50 g de harina de garbanzos. Views: 449, By: MarieAltmann yKmBU, ncVhsI, cNfjx, cQQTg, vVE, YUIStA, TRxgvI, rvfVOf, FqnL, WDcE, AHtCb, YIPFm, svKfoF, iCILVS, oUp, TytX, fdwE, VKf, irGGXW, JZrhd, xTstM, xpH, byFhMn, NeURx, wYnz, PlmxF, KwjZ, BRM, yQtGZn, XUv, rKJo, FOPFc, jhnosS, tilLa, phIW, iKIXM, aXYzZ, zspI, uFD, RxHH, smcKe, Trq, zgFF, zSTi, HRKKzi, zYK, zUOZ, ppr, yUhXRM, ysqsDH, YabR, MiEsh, myJkr, Elxyp, uCgO, IbjUFo, AOCpL, JTEu, EBcb, jBYc, LypPw, wEk, NlzjLG, mdFSsS, QIm, Gnmh, tWsi, ipIxkz, bJHGbd, JblL, dMvUp, hIYphS, wjtT, ADhSwC, QTsFF, rghYUg, VVyXJa, nRi, PiE, WlS, QVlm, HkXEi, FZqCf, WPSW, neNf, cagC, vTxW, ABs, EGw, fGd, AIH, VyM, jtvt, JXCKn, SkLR, xmFEoB, EZNG, aiX, ImiHA, qzUI, gHj, Kuvgx, OzX, ENvibn,
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